Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge, Episode #70

The Ultimate Sales Hack: How Flowchat is Changing the Game!

Show Notes

About the Guest(s):

Sean Malone is the Co-Founder of, a groundbreaking software company focused on chat management across multiple social media platforms. With a robust background in sales and entrepreneurship, Sean has successfully built and exited from multiple companies, including Digital Genius Lab. Partnering with business associate Chris, who has been his co-founder for eight years, Sean leverages his expertise in sales to solve significant market needs, helping SaaS and tech companies overcome their sales challenges.

Episode Summary:

Join us this week on “Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge” as Mike sits down with Sean Malone of to uncover the secrets behind mastering sales and navigating digital transformation. In this enlightening episode, Sean shares his journey from building successful companies in various sectors to pivoting into the tech industry with Flowchat. Discover how he identified critical market needs and developed innovative solutions that led to the creation of Flowchat, a universal chat management tool that revolutionizes lead prospecting on social media.

Sean dives deep into the lost art of prospecting and high-ticket sales, emphasizing the significance of conviction, consistency, and persistency in mastering these skills. He shares invaluable insights from his personal experience, including formative moments that shaped his approach to sales and business growth. Sean also reveals strategic methods Flowchat employs, such as its unique integration with go high level and ambitious revenue goals involving white labeling and joint ventures. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a trailblazer in sales and tech about balancing work-life demands and future-forward strategies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding Market Needs: Sean highlights the importance of recognizing market problems and creating technology-driven solutions to fill those gaps.
  • Prospecting and High-Ticket Sales: Mastering the arts of prospecting and high-ticket sales requires conviction, consistency, and persistency.
  • Technical Innovation: Flowchat’s ability to manage chats across multiple social platforms from a single tool sets it apart in the market.
  • Strategic Business Growth: Utilizing webinars, joint ventures, and leveraging white-label opportunities are key strategies toward achieving significant revenue goals.
  • Work-Life Balance: Sean emphasizes scheduling priorities and seeking help from trusted mentors to achieve a healthier work-life balance.

Notable Quotes:

  1. “You have to be convicted. You have to have 100% conviction around the thing that you do.” – Sean Malone
  2. “If your business is not prospecting, you’re probably dying.” – Sean Malone
  3. “What’s 9-15 years to your life added on? If you can just find someone that can help you get there, do it.” – Sean Malone
  4. “Flowchat works across 13 major social platforms, making it a universal tool for chat management.” – Sean Malone
  5. “If you don’t make time for the important things, you won’t make time for them ever.” – Mike


  • Flowchat Website:
  • Sean Malone on Social Media: Just search for Sean Malone with a purple headshot background.
  • Book Mentioned: How to Master the Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins

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Episode Details

Mastering Sales and Beyond: Key Insights from Sean Malone of Flowchat

Key Takeaways:

  • Discovering the lost art of prospecting and its crucial role in business growth.
  • The innovative approach of Flowchat in revolutionizing chat management across multiple platforms.
  • Effective strategies for achieving ambitious revenue goals through partnerships and strategic planning.

Sales and technology often seem like two different worlds, but Sean Malone, co-founder of, demonstrates how they intricately complement each other. His journey from mastering high-ticket sales to co-founding a pioneering software company elucidates the timeless importance of prospecting and the constant adaptability required in the tech world. Here are some key themes from Sean Malone’s insights shared on the Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge podcast.

Reviving the Lost Art of Prospecting

Sales is the lifeblood of any business, and yet many companies overlook the most fundamental aspect – prospecting. As Malone puts it, “If your business is not prospecting, you’re probably dying.” This stark reminder highlights the importance of consistent and effective prospecting in driving business growth.

Prospecting isn’t complex, but it is invaluable. “It’s a low skill but extremely high value,” Malone stresses. Many tech executives, burdened with countless responsibilities, tend to push aside prospecting because of its simplicity, ironically undermining its critical role. Malone identifies three crucial skills for mastering sales:

  1. Conviction: “You have to have 100% conviction around the thing that you do,” says Malone. He advises writing down all the head trash – doubts and negative thoughts – and systematically addressing them to build unwavering belief in your product.
  2. Consistency: Regular, persistent efforts are essential. Malone compares this to baseball, where consistent practice is key to hitting home runs.
  3. Persistency: Facing rejections is part of the game. Malone’s own story of making 2,400 cold calls without booking a single appointment is a testament to persistency.

These elements form the foundation of successful prospecting, which, in turn, is vital for sustained business growth.

Flowchat’s Unique Approach to Chat Management

Innovation is at the heart of Flowchat’s success. Unlike other tools that are platform-specific, Flowchat’s universal functionality across 13 major social media platforms sets it apart. This feature ensures businesses don’t need different tools for different platforms, thereby streamlining their outreach processes. “We built out this very unique reporting dashboard,” Malone explains, highlighting how Flowchat simplifies tracking and managing outreach efforts.

The integration of Flowchat with go high level, a comprehensive CRM, further amplifies its utility. This synergy allows users to manage personal inboxes on various platforms seamlessly, addressing a critical gap. “High level doesn’t touch personal profiles,” Malone notes, emphasizing how Flowchat fills this void, making it an indispensable tool for modern businesses.

Strategies to Achieve Ambitious Revenue Goals

Ambitious goals require robust strategies. For Malone, the path to making $100 million annually involves a combination of one-to-one demos, webinars, and leveraging joint venture (JV) partnerships. “Webinars are converting around 10% for my first version,” he shares, underlining the efficacy of webinars in driving engagement and conversions.

Moreover, JV partnerships play a crucial role in scaling rapidly. Malone advocates for email swaps with complementary businesses, facilitated by experts like Michelle Madison, to widen reach and enhance opportunistic collaborations. “Your network is your net worth,” he iterates, emphasizing the power of strategic alliances in catapulting business growth.

Broader Implications and Insights

Malone’s insights extend beyond tactical advice, offering a philosophical perspective on business and life. His journey underscores the necessity of aligning business goals with personal values and priorities. After facing burnout, he learned to prioritize his well-being and relationships, guided by a simple yet profound question: “What do you value most in your life?” This led him to integrate personal commitments into his calendar, ensuring balanced growth and fulfillment.

Flowchat’s story also exemplifies the symbiotic relationship between sales and technology. Malone’s pivot from high-ticket sales to software development illustrates how expertise in one area can drive innovation in another, provided there is a deep understanding of market needs and a commitment to addressing them.

In conclusion, Sean Malone’s experiences and strategies provide a roadmap for integrating effective prospecting, innovative tech solutions, and strategic partnerships to drive business growth. His journey from sales to tech offers valuable lessons on adaptability, resilience, and the continuous pursuit of excellence in both professional and personal realms. Embracing these principles can enable businesses to not only thrive but also maintain a healthy and fulfilling balance in their operations and lives.

Contact Information for Sean Malone



Timestamp Summary
0:00 The Evolution of Flowchat from Market Need to AI Integration
5:42 Mastering High Ticket Sales Through Conviction, Consistency, and Persistence
11:28 Flowchat’s Unique Approach to Multi-Platform Chat Management
18:38 Strategies for Scaling Tech Businesses to $100 Million
23:21 Achieving Work-Life Balance Through Effective Calendar Management
29:10 Choosing the Right Artist for a Data-Driven Marketing Campaign
32:01 Launching Sin City Sound Waves to Connect Vegas Musicians