Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge, Episode #59

Snap Build’s Secret to Slashing Construction Times by 25%!

Show Notes

About the Guest(s):

Brian Golod is an impactful mentor in the tech industry with extensive experience covering various roles. Having immigrated to his current location, Brian’s journey entails a remarkable transition from full-stack developer and product owner to an accomplished professional mentor. His leadership style is strongly influenced by the intentional relationships he builds, the emphasis on empowering others, and his natural ability to leave a lasting positive impression. With a six-year track record of mentoring technology professionals, Brian also shares his background in immigrating from Argentina and his dedication to helping others achieve their career aspirations, particularly in the North American tech landscape.

Episode Summary:

In this captivating episode of “Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge,” our host Mike welcomes Brian Golod, a seasoned tech professional turned mentor, as they delve into the intricacies of leadership, career transitions, and the balance of work and family life. Brian shares his inspirational story of leaving a toxic work environment to pursue a fulfilling mentoring career, offering us a rare glimpse into the challenging yet rewarding world of professional development and personal growth in the tech industry.

Brian’s narrative begins with a pivotal moment when he decided to shift careers to focus on his passion for mentoring. Alongside this personal transformation, he narrates his relationship with his wife and the dynamics of collaboration and support within his family. The conversation also branches out into the diversity of the tech industry across different countries, as Brian compares his experiences in Argentina with those in North America. The comprehensive discussion provides rich insight into becoming an impactful leader and navigating the challenges of career development.

Key Takeaways:

  • Passion-Driven Career Shift: Brian’s personal story illustrates the power of pursuing a career that brings fulfillment, emphasizing the importance of not living with regrets.
  • Leadership through Relationships: Brian underlines his leadership style that is predicated on building genuine relationships, empowering others, and leaving a positive mark.
  • Family Support and Collaboration: Insights are shared about the crucial role of family support and the unique collaborative dynamic he maintains with his partner.
  • Innovative Mentorship Methods: Brian challenges conventional wisdom by advising against post-interview thank-you emails, advocating for a more direct and impactful approach.
  • Cultural Innovation in Tech: A comparative exploration of the tech industries in Argentina and North America, highlighting the creative and innovative talents that thrive within diverse ecosystems.

Notable Quotes:

  • “I value myself. But truly, I looked up to my parents and my grandparents, and it was their actions and the way that they lived their lives that inspired me to be this way.”
  • “Compromise, you know, by definition means somebody gives something up. If you collaborate, you don’t really have to give something up.”
  • “I don’t work even a second, so it makes it really hard for me to know where to draw the line.”
  • “Do not send thank you emails at the end of an interview… your job is to truly build that meaningful relationship face to face.”
  • “You need your team for you to be able to succeed. And a lot of people don’t realize that.”

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Episode Details

Embracing Change: The Intersection of Passion, Leadership, and Technology

Gazing into the transformative world of tech leadership, Brian Golod and Mike’s dialogue on the podcast “Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge” offers rich insights into what it takes to navigate personal fulfillment, innovate leadership styles, and balance life’s multifaceted demands. These poignant reflections tease out not just the contours of a successful career but the philosophy that can drive innovation and personal growth in the tech industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • Empowerment Through Mentorship: Discovering personal fulfillment and professional success by investing in the growth of others.
  • Collaboration vs. Compromise: In relationships and leadership, striving for collaborative solutions that avoid compromise enhances both personal and professional lives.
  • Balancing Innovation Ecospheres: Insights into navigating and comparing the tech industry’s innovation across geographical boundaries.

Empowerment Through Mentorship

Mentorship emerges as a guiding principle in Brian’s journey and leadership style. He describes it as “all about building relationships,” indicating that the powerful exchanges that fuel professional growth are deeply personal endeavors. Moreover, as Brian quotes from his past, his dedication is evident – “I came here to build relationships.” This assertion underlines the value of human connections over technical knowhow. By highlighting the success stories of the individuals he mentors, such as Adriana’s tale of multiple job offers, the importance of empowerment through mentorship stands out. Brian’s methodology, rooted in genuine interactions and a no-regret philosophy, suggests a mentorship approach that transcends transactional relationships, hinting at a purer motive of service and lasting impact.

Collaboration vs. Compromise

Navigating personal relationships and achieving cohesion within the workspace often requires a delicate balance. Brian and Mike discuss the distinction between collaboration and compromise, emphasizing the importance of finding common ground without sacrificing personal goals or team objectives. Mike’s observation – “If you collaborate, you don’t really have to give something up” – resonates here, as it flips the conventional narrative that successful leadership and partnership necessitate personal loss. This conversation delves into not just relational dynamics but also serves as a blueprint for team management in the tech industry, where shared success is pivotal to project triumph.

Balancing Innovation Ecospheres

Brian’s international perspective sheds light on the tech industry’s varied landscapes. He draws on his experiences in Argentina, noting the country’s early investments in technology and the creativity prevalent among Argentine tech professionals. The discussion around innovation ecosystems serves as a microcosm for the global tech industry – illustrating the complexities of nurturing innovation within diverse tech communities. It brings up the necessity for leaders to have a worldly perspective, acknowledging the unique contributions of regional tech scenes and the potential for cross-pollination of ideas.

Moving Forward in Tech Leadership

Through Brian and Mike’s conversation, the pathway to impactful tech leadership appears lined with empathy, relentless passion, and a dedication to fostering growth in oneself and others. This dialogue serves as a parable for the modern tech leader: be intentional, value relationships, and harmonize the various aspects of life. The stories of struggle and success remind us that leadership is not just about technical expertise or strategic prowess, but also about the influence we have on others’ professional journeys and the cultivation of an environment that allows for mutual growth and learning. These principles, delivered through the heartfelt narratives of Brian and Mike’s experiences, outline what it means to lead in a constantly evolving technological world.

Contact Information for Brain Golod

Timestamp Summary
0:00 Embracing Change and Pursuing Fulfillment in Tech Leadership
4:31 Balancing Mentorship and Family Life
5:53 Pandemic Epiphany Leads to Career Transformation
7:57 Collaboration in Marriage and Mentoring Immigrants in Tech
9:43 Blurring Lines Between Work and Personal Life
12:59 Balancing Work Commitments and Family Time
13:58 Comparing Argentine and North American Tech Innovation
16:19 Prioritizing Family Over Work Commitments
18:17 Learning From a Costly Investment Mistake
22:14 Rethinking Post-Interview Thank You Emails
24:38 From Job Loss to Immediate Employment
25:37 Building Relationships and Navigating Hiring Dynamics
28:01 Distinguishing Leadership from Management and Embracing the Role
30:44 Connecting with Technology Leaders on LinkedIn