Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge, Episode #49

Mastering Communication in the Boardroom: Tips for Tech Executives

Show Notes

About the Guest(s):

Brenden Kumarasamy is a highly skilled communication expert and the founder of Master Talk, a platform dedicated to sharing knowledge on communication and public speaking. With a background in accounting, he leveraged his experience from participating in case competitions to hone his public speaking skills. His passion for communication leads him to coach executives, helping them articulate their ideas effectively in the boardroom. Brenden’s recognition includes being selected as one of the voices on LinkedIn.

Episode Summary:

In this enlightening episode of Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge, host Mike delves into the nuances of effective communication within the technology sector with the communication connoisseur Brenden Kumarasamy. Brenden illuminates the challenges tech executives face when presenting to non-technical audiences and emphasizes the importance of simplifying language for better understanding across business divisions.

Brenden advises technology leaders on the significance of asking “Why does this matter?” to align their messaging with the interests of various business units. He further discusses actionable strategies to reduce jargon and enhance the clarity and impact of their communication. Throughout the episode, Brenden offers insights into the common pitfalls and practical solutions for tech professionals eager to refine their skills for the boardroom and beyond.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tech executives must learn to communicate without jargon, focusing on the business implications of their technical decisions.
  • A feedback loop with colleagues is essential to identify and correct communication that is too technical for non-expert audiences.
  • Brenden emphasizes the “RQV” strategy for improving communication skills, which includes Random word exercise, Question drills, and Video messages.
  • For more advanced communicators, hiring an executive communication coach can offer personalized guidance to fill in any gaps.
  • Sending video messages of appreciation can build loyalty within a team and also improves verbal communication skills.

Notable Quotes:

  • “So the best piece of advice I have for these people, this audience, is whenever you’re conveying ideas to a boss or to a nontechnical audience, you want to take a step back and ask yourself, why does what I’m talking about matter to the other business divisions within the company?”
  • “The big challenge that executives face, especially technology ones, is, number one, how do they speak to a non-technical audience, and how do they use less jargon whenever they’re conveying ideas to the world?”
  • “What a lot of these executives miss… a lot of them start their careers technical… So it makes sense that when they get into management, they’ll use the same communication habits that got them to that title.”
  • “The C in C-level stands for confidence. Right. How do you convey ideas and a vision for the technology that you’re implementing in a business in a way that’s compelling to the board and to everyone else within the business?”
  • “Your time is more valuable than your money. So in like a Toastmasters group…you’re not going to get executive level feedback.”

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Episode Details

Mastering the Art of Communication: Strategies for Tech Executives

Effective communication is critical for leaders in any industry, but for those in the technology sector, it’s a skill that often determines the success of not just themselves but their projects and organizations. In a riveting conversation on “Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge,” Brenden Kumarasamy shared invaluable advice on mastering the art of communication for technology executives. Here, we extract the essence of the dialogue to deliver strategic insights that tech leaders can implement to enhance their communication skills in and out of the boardroom.

Key Takeaways

  • The Importance of Simplified Language: Communicating technical ideas effectively to non-technical audiences means avoiding jargon and simplifying complex concepts.
  • Feedback Loops for Improvement: Regularly asking colleagues which parts of your communication were unclear can dramatically improve the clarity and impact of your messaging.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Regularly engaging in exercises like random word challenges, answering questions on your expertise, and sending video messages can significantly improve both verbal and written communication skills.

Simplifying Technical Jargon for Non-Technical Audiences

Why Technical Leaders Must Speak the Language of Business

Technical experts often rise through the ranks because of their proficiency in specialized areas. However, as they transition into leadership roles, the communication strategies that once served them well in the trenches of coding and development may not resonate in the boardroom.

“…when they get into management, they’ll use the same communication habits that got them to that title. And this is where the problem lies.” – Brenden Kumarasamy

Brenden emphasizes the need to communicate the business case behind technological decisions rather than the technical specifics. By asking the simple question “Why does this matter to the other business divisions within the company?” tech executives can align their language with the broader priorities of the business.

Transitioning From Technical Expert to Communicative Leader

The shift from a detail-oriented perspective to one that appreciates the broader pictures is not always easy, but it’s essential for tech executives who want to excel.

“When you become a director VP, at that point, you’re no longer just doing the technical side. You’re communicating the Business case of why we’re implementing the technology in the first place…” – Brenden Kumarasamy

The advice here is clear. For effective communication in leadership, the more you understand and embrace the business side, the better you can lead and influence across the organization.

The Role of Feedback in Refining Communication

Implementing a Feedback Loop for Jargon-Free Language

Tech experts often rely on industry-specific terms that can alienate non-technical audiences. Brenden advocates for creating a feedback loop whereby colleagues are encouraged to highlight any jargon used inadvertently.

“Ask that every single meeting, or 50% of meetings…then your employees will start telling you, hey, what did you mean by this?” – Brenden Kumarasamy

By actively seeking out and responding to feedback, executives can incrementally eliminate jargon from their vocabulary, making their communication more accessible.

Why Dropping the Ego Matters in Leadership

Receiving feedback is one challenge, but acting on it requires humility—a quality sometimes in short supply at the executive level. A willingness to engage with feedback and make adjustments is crucial.

“…the problem with execs, unfortunately, a lot of them got some egos and they’re not willing to just take a step back…” – Brenden Kumarasamy

This candid advice underscores that personal growth in communication necessitates setting aside ego and focusing on the goal of improving one’s ability to lead effectively.

Nurturing Your Communication Skills Through Practice

Everyday Exercises to Sharpen Verbal and Written Skills

Brenden prescribes a method that involves easy daily exercises designed to hone both written and verbal communication.

“If you’re really good at written and really bad at verbal…take out your voice recorder…and just read off what you’re saying…” – Brenden Kumarasamy

The strategies shared provide tech executives with actionable steps to improve their messaging, whether in an email or in front of an audience.

The Value of a Coach in Communication Excellence

While self-practice is advantageous, there’s also considerable merit in seeking professional guidance.

“If you’re making over 50 grand a year…then the third one would be investing in an executive communication coach.” – Brenden Kumarasamy

A coach can offer personalized feedback and strategies tailored to the individual’s specific needs, expediting their improvement journey in communication.

As we thread through the highlights of Brenden Kumarasamy’s insights, the overarching theme remains steadfast: communication is a skill that, when refined, can dramatically escalate an executive’s influence and effectiveness. The message is unambiguous—by simplifying language, creating a receptive environment for feedback, and engaging in regular, focused practice, technological leaders can evolve into communicators who not only command the room but lead their teams to unprecedented success. In the dynamic landscape of technology where innovation is king, being able to clearly articulate the value of these innovations to a wide-ranging audience may well be the queen that protects it.

Contact Information for Brenden Kumarasamy



Timestamp Summary
0:00:00 Introduction and importance of conveying ideas to a nontechnical audience
0:01:25 Brenden’s background and how he started Master Talk
0:02:40 The biggest struggle for executives in communication
0:03:23 The challenge of using technical jargon and the importance of understanding the business case
0:05:15 Feedback loop and the need for executives to ask for feedback on their communication
0:06:50 The importance of setting aside ego and listening to feedback
0:08:04 Connecting communication skills to career goals
0:09:59 Communication as the gap to fill for career advancement
0:10:32 Communication as a major pillar in coaching program
0:10:59 Importance of practicing communication
0:11:25 Advice for improving written communication
0:12:41 Importance of practicing verbal communication
0:13:06 Random word exercise to improve speaking skills
0:14:38 Hiring a coach to fill in communication gaps
0:15:16 Changing the perception of coaching
0:16:30 Engaging with Brenden on a coaching basis
0:18:28 Three key areas to focus on for better communication
0:20:15 Using video messages to improve communication
0:21:20 Consistency in message is important for getting attention in a noisy internet
0:21:58 Toastmasters is great for communication improvement, but executive communication coaching is more personalized
0:23:05 Toastmasters is cheap but doesn’t provide executive level feedback
0:23:26 Investing in an executive communication coach is like having a personal trainer
0:24:20 Some people are great at writing but terrible at speaking, and vice versa
0:24:49 Connect with Brenden on LinkedIn or send him a DM on Instagram for a special gift
0:26:04 Thank you for watching another episode of Gaining the Technology Leadership Edge