extraordinary impact

6 Ways to Kick Up Your Gratitude Meter

Gratitude can be a powerful tool if you use it correctly. It’s the practice of being thankful for what you have and recognizing that it could always be worse. The benefits of being grateful are countless, and you can see them in your daily life as well as in the lives of those around you. 

If you aren’t feeling particularly grateful today (or ever), here are six ways to kick up your gratitude meter and start reaping those benefits right away!

Write A Letter To Someone Who Has Impacted Your Life In A Positive Way

Writing a thank-you note is an excellent way to kick up your gratitude meter. This simple act can make someone’s day, and if they are receptive to it, their life. Think about someone who has impacted your life in a positive way. Write them a letter thanking them for their impact. Some people even write letters to themselves as a constant reminder of why they do what they do and who they are doing it for.

Saying thank you gets the job done, so take time to write out your letter in detail. Think about why this person made an impact on your life and how things would be different if they hadn’t been involved.

Put Together A Gratitude Jar And Write Down Something You’re Grateful For Each Day

Once you’ve taken time to be grateful for those who have impacted your life and the impact that they’ve had, it’s time to think of ways you can make a difference in the lives of others. Putting together a gratitude jar is an excellent way to do this.

A gratitude jar is a particularly wonderful way to focus on the positive aspects of your life. You can make one with an empty jar or container and some small slips of paper. Each day, write down something you’re grateful for and put it in the jar. It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small; just be sure to kick up your gratitude for even the simplest of things. 

extraordinary impact

Keep Track Of All The Things You Did Well This Week, And At The End Of The Week, Read Through Them Aloud With Your Family Or Friends

Gratitude doesn’t always have to be directed at other people; sometimes the most powerful way to be grateful is for yourself. Keeping track of your accomplishments on a weekly basis is another excellent way to boost your gratitude. This simple act will allow you to stay grounded in the positive aspects of your life, which can help you overcome some of the negative ones.

At the end of every week, read aloud all of the things that you did well during that week. If you have trouble thinking of things or if your week was particularly bad, ask your family or friends for their input. This will not only kick up your gratitude, but it will also get you more comfortable with being honest with the people around you.

Make Time For People – Stop Being So Busy That You Don’t Have Time For Anyone Else

We’ve all heard that saying, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” Although this may seem like an off-the-cuff remark, it’s actually something we should pay attention to. How many times have you had your schedule packed with things to do and not enough time for yourself?  

This is a habit that you need to break if you want to improve your gratitude.

extraordinary impact

When you’re constantly busy with things, it’s hard to stop and appreciate all of the positive aspects of your life. This is simply something that can’t be done when you don’t allow yourself time for anything else.

Be conscious of how much time you spend doing things for yourself and others. When you make time for people, not only are you showing them that they are important to you, but you are also telling yourself that you are important. This is a powerful practice in gratitude all on its own. Making time for the ones who matter most will help kick up your gratitude meter and improve your relationships with others.

Take Care Of Yourself – Get Enough Sleep, Eat Healthy Food, Drink Water

Kick up your gratitude meter by showing yourself some love. Your body is an extraordinary instrument that deserves a lot of credit, so show it how much you appreciate it by giving it what it needs.

Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly. This will not only prevent you from getting sick but will also show you that you are worth your time. Taking care of your body will allow you to be more energetic, cheerful, and productive. All of these things contribute to a fantastic life. Kick up your gratitude for this extraordinary machine by showing it some extraordinary attention.

When Faced With Difficult Situations, Remember These Three Words- “This Too Shall Pass”

The older we get, the more we realize that nothing in life is permanent. This is particularly easy to forget when faced with difficult situations such as a breakup, financial troubles, or losing a loved one.

Difficult times can be shocking and hard to manage, but if you take a minute to breathe and think about things, you’ll find that everything is not nearly as bad as it seems. By practicing the mantra “this too shall pass,” you give yourself the chance to get through this tough time. This helps by reminding you that whatever challenges come your way are not permanent, and it helps you put things in perspective.

extraordinary impact

This extraordinary life of ours is full of extraordinary changes. Remembering that this too shall pass will help bring a sense of relief and comfort in times when you need it most.

Put It Into Action

Feeling gratitude is one of the most important habits you can develop. It’s an amazing feeling to be able to appreciate what we have, rather than always focusing on what we don’t.

Luckily, there are many ways you can make your days more filled with joy and happiness. Try adding one of these six tips into your routine to help increase feelings of thankfulness in your life today!

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